
Nutrition online

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*The cost may vary according to the exchange rate of your bank

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Schedule appointment

When would you like to schedule your laboratory visit?
Hours 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday
*Must attend with an 8-hour fast

Datos facturación

Due to the current health emergency, Hospital Santander reserves the right of access to the facilities if on the day of your appointment you have symptoms of suspected COVID-19. In this case, it is necessary to notify the mail admin.virtual@hospitalsantander.com.mx to reschedule your visit.

As part of the protocol, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire online or when you visit the facilities for your medical exams.

COVID-19 questionnaire

1. Have you had the following symptoms?

2. Has at least one of the following symptoms accompanied the prior?

3. You acknowledge yourself with:

4. Have you taken a trip?

5. Have you had contact with any patient who has had the above symptoms, suffers or is under investigation from COVID-19?